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House Rules

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House Rules Empty House Rules

Post by dominick Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:22 am


This forum (Gouste.com) is not, in anyway, officially affiliated with the University of Santo Tomas. However, most of its members and moderators are students and diploma holders of the Royal, Pontifical Catholic University of the Philippines.

Opinions expressed here are of those individuals who posted them, and do not necessarily reflect the University's side.

Also human beings, people belonging to this community are entitled to make mistakes and errors. Please don't sue us. We don't have money.

General House Rules:
Let's keep this house rules list pretty simple.

Rule 1: We believe that as human beings, we are entitled to rational thinking and abundant flow of opinion. Unless you consider yourself a non-human entity, then we rest our case. Thus, GoUSTe.com encourages intelligent debates and discussion very much.

Rule 2: On that note, GoUste.com will not tolerate rudeness, insults, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Racial slurs are unforgivable, so are sexist remarks. Bottom line: Make your momma proud by respecting others. Go on, you can do it!

Moderators' decision is final in these matters.

Rule 3: Meaningless thread (on moderators' discretion), multiple or repeated posts, spamming, and the likes are strictly not allowed. Posts belonging to the aforementioned categories will be deleted immediately.

Advertisements, however are allowed on the designated thread. Advertisements outside the said thread will also be deleted.

Rule 4: Learn how to control your hormones since posts or links to sites that are sexual in nature are forbidden. However, if the post appears to be having sense, educational, helpful or informative, it will be allowed only if categorically placed in the right thread and topic. When starting a thread with mature content, please do warn the kiddos by placing "MATURE CONTENT: <name of topic>" on your subject head.

Rule 5: Illegal activities are strictly prohibited. We're guessing that you guys are old enough to differentiate right from wrong. When in doubt, ask a policeman, or a priest. Or both.

Rule 6: When starting a topic, make sure that the topic does not already exist to avoid confusion, hassles and whutnot. You can do this by using the search function.

Rule 7: Users cannot have multiple accounts because that's an utter nonsense. Who keeps two accounts in a forum like this? This is not Facebook. You can have and use your "viewing accounts" on other sites.

While the moderators created these rules to cover the common situations forums frequently encounter, they don't have the super power to see the future and cannot anticipate everything. Ergo, moderators reserve the right to take any actions they deem appropriate to ensure GoUste.com is not disrupted or abused in any way. So try not to piss them off, ok?

They also reserve the right to update and modify these rules as the needs of the community dictate to ensure the awesome flow of operation of GoUste.com. If you have any problems with that, try keeping it all to yourself. If you think you can't, contact any one of the moderators of this forum. Promise, they don't bite... more often than not.


Ignoring the moderators' warnings and continuing to not respect the rules aforementioned will result to a ban from this Gouste.com. We are dead serious about this. We worked hard to give you a very familiar and likable online community and least thing you can do is respect the rules. You don't want to be blacklisted, do you? So let's all follow the rules and establish an open-minded and respectable community!

Note: These rules may be modified/updated anytime, so we invite you to re-read them regularly.

Posts : 1329
Join date : 2010-06-19
Age : 34
Location : Caloocan


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House Rules Empty Re: House Rules

Post by hudas Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:01 pm

i agree


Posts : 6
Join date : 2010-12-07
Age : 31
Location : valenzuela

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House Rules Empty Re: House Rules

Post by hudas Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:05 pm

how can i join you guys s automasino car club?tnx


Posts : 6
Join date : 2010-12-07
Age : 31
Location : valenzuela

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